Word Wall Fun

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

My kids are loving all the fun word wall activities that our school literacy coach shared! The “explosion” was a hit today! 


Cady Heaton

Community Helpers Are Our Friends

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our first grade students did an amazing job on their community helpers program today.  They taught us about what their favorite 15 helpers do for us.  Their speaking parts and songs were so great, and we had a great time watching them.  Thanks to Miss Robison, Mrs. Heaton and Mrs. Phelps for all their hard work!

Almost Time for Our Annual Penny War

Submitted by kali.brown on

It is almost time for our annual Penny War!  Each grade will have a chance to earn points for their grade with donated pennies AND ... subtract points from the other grades with nickels, dimes, quarters and dollars.  The winning grade earns a cookie celebration on Friday, April 12, 2018.  The teachers of the winning grade will get to spend the money on classroom needs.

ENERGY STAR Certification at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

We are excited to announce that Spanish Oaks Elementary has earned ENERGY STAR certification from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the 3rd year in a row!

The next time you visit, check out the little blue label on display at our entrance – it represents proven, verified superior energy performance over a 12-month period.  ENERGY STAR certified buildings perform in the top 25 percent of similar buildings nationwide!

Lagoon Summer Fever Fundraiser

Submitted by kali.brown on

For the 2018 season, Lagoon will be introducing the “Summer Fever Fundraiser”.  We are hoping to seize the excitement for summer by giving students and families a jump starts on Summer Fun at Lagoon.  The Summer Fever Fundraiser will offer an exclusive discount to Utah School Families, and the Education Foundations will reap the benefits.