Maceys School Cents Pays Off for Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on
A huge 'thank you' to Macey's for being an active member of our community of learning, and to all the parents that have signed up for Macey's School Cents Program, with Spanish Oaks as their school.  Your shopping paid off this year when we received a check from Macey's for $2,093.72 for use at our school.  We also appreciate Emily Gunderson, our 2015-2016 PTA president, for helping to set up and make these types of programs a success!

Step into Summer Robotics EXTRA Finale

Submitted by kali.brown on

We were so excited to offer a final Robotics EXTRA class this year at Spanish Oaks!  Mrs. Aagard taught our 3rd and 4th grade students in programming, constructing, designing, etc.  Parents were treated to a 'showcase' on the final day, where students were able to show off their learning.  What a great way to Step into Summer ... learning!

At Spanish Oaks, We Are Extraordinary!

Submitted by kali.brown on

This year at Spanish Oaks we focused on extraordinary deeds!  Can one good deed from an ordinary person change the world?  Well, we found out ...  This year at Spanish Oaks we focused on doing Extraordinary Deeds for those around us.  We worked to perform good deeds for others, which multiplied as they were passed on by those who were touched by our acts of kindness.   It has been an EXTRAORDINARY year!  At Spanish Oaks, we are extraordinary!

Talent/Reading Finale Assembly at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

All of our teachers treated the students to a "talent" assembly for the final week of school to show them just how very much we love them.  Students enjoyed a Then ... and NOW Slideshow, "Baby" Lip Syncing, We've Got Rhythm garbage can rap, "Hello, Summer" music video, Kung Fu Fighting demonstration, Dark Lord Funk, Stick Man dance, How animals eat their food, Chop Sticks (piano) and Chip Shots (golf with marshmallows!!), and a Student Slide Show ... (please see the links below to view our awesomeness!!)

Sixth Grade Renaissance Fair

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

The 6th grade students performed in their Renaissance fair today. It has been over a month of work. Looking up information on an individual from the Renaissance time period and competing a project about them. Finally the performed those projects and showed off their dancing skills a for both the school and their parents.