Author visits Spanish Oaks Elementary

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
Author Julie Wright visited Spanish Oaks recently. She is the author of the Hazzardous Universe series. Ms. Wright shared with students her experiences as an author and got the children excited about writing. She spoke about the influence of one of her teachers in middle school, Mrs. Brown, who helped her to realize her talent and potential as a writer. She had the students in the audience help write a story using their imaginations by choosing characters from objects in a trunk, creating a plot and resolving a conflict.

Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
This year’s recipient for the Crystal Apple Award from Spanish Oaks Elementary is Jerika Terry. Jerika has been teaching third grade for the past 3 years. She graduated from Brigham Young University. The teachers on her team have commented on how well planned and organized she is. Jerika demonstrates professionalism by having a positive attitude and a great relationship with her students, the parents of her students, as well as the teachers on her collaborative team.

Freedom Fair at Spanish Oaks Elementary

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
The fifth grade students at Spanish Oaks just culminated a unit on Social Injustices with a Freedom Fair. Students researched groups of people from the United States who have suffered a social injustice. Social issues depicted included slavery, women’s rights, child labor, the Indian Removal Act, the Civil Rights Movement for Black Americans, and the Japanese Americans’ internment during World War II. The Freedom Fair included groups of students performing skits that represented the different social injustice groups for family members and the student body.

Teacher Appreciation Week at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
Last week the PTA sponsored Teacher Appreciation week and, wow, did the teachers get spoiled! The theme was a country western theme, “Our Teachers are the Best in the West.” Each teacher had a “wanted” sign outside of their door that was decorated by room parents. There was a waffle bar breakfast that kicked the week off on Monday morning. The students were involved in a basketball “shoot out” and dancing in the gym.
Leslie Loftin

Spanish Oaks Students Honor Dr. Seuss

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
Spanish Oaks Students Honor Dr. Seuss On Friday, March 2nd , the students at Spanish Oaks celebrated the birthday of Dr. Seuss by doing many fun literature activities. Some classes read books with friends, dressed up as different characters in Dr. Seuss books, and classes were visited by Maple Mountain High School Honor Society students who read to the students. It was a fun day! Photos of Students celebrating
Leslie Loftin


Submitted by leslie.loftin on
3rd Grade Science Fair The third grade students in Mr. Rigby’s class participated in a class science fair. The students had to form a hypothesis, observe and gather data. There were a great variety of project topics. Some of the projects included raw power, trapping moisture through humidity and homemade lava lamps. The students displayed their projects for other classes and parents to walk through and enjoy.
Leslie Loftin


Submitted by leslie.loftin on

Scold the cold at Spanish Oaks Elementary Spanish Oaks Elementary students, faculty and staff were ready to scold the cold with a Hawaiian day celebration. Bright colorful leis and summer looks were spotted all over the school. Students participated in many activities including dancing the limbo, hula hooping, and eating a cool, frozen treat at lunchtime. Thanks to our student council for sponsoring this fun day! Photos of Scold the Cold day

Leslie Loftin

Spanish Oaks Honored with trophy by Spanish Fork City Library

Submitted by leslie.loftin on

Spanish Oaks Elementary was recently honored by the Spanish Fork City Library for the highest percentage of students that joined and completed the summer reading program. The school was presented a trophy. The theme for the year was “One World—Many Stories.” All of the students that completed the required minutes and genres of literature were rewarded with a new book and an invitation to a party held in back of the city library park. Congratulations Spanish Oaks readers! Photo of students holding trophy L to R: Andrew Pontious, Kierra Oyler, Arabel Gomez

Leslie Loftin


Submitted by leslie.loftin on

On February 17th, the third grade students at Spanish Oaks Elementary held their annual book share. The students chose one of their favorite books to spotlight and came up with creative ways to represent the book and author. They told about their favorite book parts and were asked questions about the books. Throughout the day students from other grades and parents were able to visit and learn about the books. Photos of third grade students at book third grade book share

Leslie Loftin