Spanish Oaks Honored with trophy by Spanish Fork City Library

Submitted by leslie.loftin on

Spanish Oaks Elementary was recently honored by the Spanish Fork City Library for the highest percentage of students that joined and completed the summer reading program. The school was presented a trophy. The theme for the year was “One World—Many Stories.” All of the students that completed the required minutes and genres of literature were rewarded with a new book and an invitation to a party held in back of the city library park. Congratulations Spanish Oaks readers! Photo of students holding trophy L to R: Andrew Pontious, Kierra Oyler, Arabel Gomez

Leslie Loftin


Submitted by leslie.loftin on

On February 17th, the third grade students at Spanish Oaks Elementary held their annual book share. The students chose one of their favorite books to spotlight and came up with creative ways to represent the book and author. They told about their favorite book parts and were asked questions about the books. Throughout the day students from other grades and parents were able to visit and learn about the books. Photos of third grade students at book third grade book share

Leslie Loftin