Science Fair Winners At Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

The following students won the Science Fair held here at Spanish Oaks last week.  We are so proud of them.  Congratulations on a job well done!  Maia Baird, Alden Amy, Sophia Garcia, Lucy Theodosis/Brynlee Dyches, Brielle Glenn, Nash Martin, James Palmer, Brendan Snyder, Garrett Thomas, Sarah Clark and Tom Halliday. 

The Secret Service Strikes Again at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

The "Secret Service" was out in full force this month here at our school.  Each class, decked out in our secret service glasses, did an act of service for another class.  They were hoping not to be caught or recognized!  It has spread cheer throughout the school, and has been a great learning opportunity for the givers.  Great job, students and teachers!

We're Spreading Cheer at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our Sing Around the Tree was interrupted by a special visitor dressed in red today, and he had treats for every student!!  He then went around to each class to get a class picture.  We found a few students in the halls that we couldn't miss, and the office staff was remembered.  And don't forget our police officer either.  He has been good as well!  No one was caught on the naughty list here at Spanish Oaks!!

Recorder Concert and Nova Graduation at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Spanish Oaks Fifth grade serenaded their parents on their recorders today.  They worked hard throughout the first half of the year to learn their songs, and did a great job.  They also had their Nova Graduation, where each child was spotlighted and received a t-shirt.  A special thanks to our Nova Officer, Officer Leifson, for his help throughout the year.