Kindness Week Day 4

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

We are having so much fun here at Spanish Oaks this week!  It is amazing how the students have grabbed onto the idea of being kind and are helping other students, giving compliments and being all around more friendly and kind. 

Kindness Week Day 3

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Kindness Week-Day 3

We started off Day 3 with the following quotes from Jaiden Millard and Wrigley Henry: “You will never be forgotten if you’re kind,” and “To have a friend, you have to be a friend.”  Thanks for these awesome thoughts to keep in mind today.  Our song was “A Little Bit of Honey,” which got us dancing, and our challenge is to write a note of gratitude to any Spanish Oaks staff member.

Our activity for the day is to have each student finish the sentence “I love my school because . . .”   Here are some of their responses:

Pie Throwing for Good Behavior?

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

In Miss North’s class we have been working hard to show respect by following directions.  When we follow directions we earn a class point. As a class we voted that if we earned enough points we got to throw pies at our teacher.  We had fun throwing pies in Miss North’s face! :)   

Miss North

Kindness Week Day 2

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Day 2 in our Kindness Week has really been fun!  Our 2 quotes this morning were "being kind to friends is good, but being kind to everyone is better,"  by Katie Bennett and "Be the reason someone smiles today!" by Alli Christiansen.  What great things to remember!  Our song was I Like Being Me and our challenge has been smiling at 25 people throughout the day!

Kindness Week Day 1

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

We kicked off our Kindness Week yesterday with 2 quotes about being kind (written by students) read on the intercom.  Our quotes were: "If you have a choice between being right and being kind, choose kind," by Kenzie Baird and "Be the big umbrella on someone's raing day" by Caleb.

Staff Spotlight Mrs. Hill, Librarian

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Mrs. Hill is the Librarian here at Spanish Oaks.  She is from Tennessee and grew up there.  Mrs. Hill would be an uber driver if she wasn't a teacher because she wants to meet new people, and go to new places.  She has been a Librarian for two years at Spanish Oaks and she loves it.  When she was a kid her favorite subject was reading because she always loved to read.  Mrs. Hill’s favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because of family and June is her favorite month because there is no school.