Science is the Best!

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Mrs. Stewart's class is continuing to learn about the scientific process. Today we did an experiment going through all the steps of the process. Each student wrote a question and made a hypothesis. Then they did their experiment. Today’s experiment was what would happen to gummy bears when put into different
Liquids: vinegar, water, baking soda water and salt water. The students were surprised by the results and had a blast experimenting and observing. We love science in third grade !

Mrs. Stewart

PTA Reflections

Submitted by sherri.peterson on
It's that time of year again, time to get creative with the ARTS! It's time for our annual PTA REFLECTIONS program! 2019 Reflections Theme: LOOK WITHIN

National PTA’s Reflections program has helped students explore their own thoughts, feelings and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and in life.


Free Love and Logic Parenting Class

Submitted by kali.brown on

Free Love and Logic Parenting Class

Santaquin Elementary School:  

  • October 29thNovember 5th, 12th, and 19th

Tuesday nights from 6:00-7:30

Love and Logic teaches parents easy-to-learn skills that can create respect, responsibility and good decision-making in youth. 

Love and Logic rests on four scientifically-based principles: 

Little Scientists Study and Act Out Scientific Process

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

We have been talking about the scientific process in third grade. Today we learned about a scientist, Thomas Edison and machines. Our whole class got to work together in groups with Ben Sansom, our GAINS Drama Specialist, and create a machine that they acted out for the class to guess what their machine did. We had so much fun acting out how each of Thomas Edison’s inventions worked.

Mr. Billie Receives New Vest for Assisting in Cross Walk Each Day

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Mr. Billie, our custodian, spends a lot of his time out on duty in the crosswalk.  He is always so willing to help take some of this load off of the faculty and staff.  Because of his great service, we "gifted" him with a new hot pink vest so he would stay safe!  Can't miss him now :).  Give him a wave and tell him hello when you pass through the crosswalk.  Thanks, Mr. Billie!

Arts EXTRA Kicks Off at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

We had an amazing first day of Arts EXTRA today at Spanish Oaks!  We planned on accommodating 60 registrations, but ended up with ... 92!  Thank you to our awesome teachers who insisted on not turning anyone away, and adjusted their materials and instruction to welcome all 92 students!  It is going to be a super experience for all!

"We are excited to offer Arts EXTRA again this year at Spanish Oaks!  We have a variety of teachers that will be teaching these classes for students in 1st-6th grades. 

Third Grade Field Trip

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our third graders had so much fun on our field trip today. We went to the Bean Museum and attend a live animal show. Then we went to Glen Canyon Park for a picnic. We walked up to Bridal Veil Falls. On our walk back to the park the weather went from sprinkling a little to a down pour. The kids were troopers and we had a great time.

Mrs. Dimmick