Veterans Visit Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

During our Veterans' Assembly on Friday, as I watched the Veterans stand, saluting the flag, with a look of love and respect on each of their faces, I realized how blessed we are to have individuals that are willing to risk their lives, mentally and physically, for the freedoms we take for granted.  I also realized that it is up to us to make sure that the next generation has that same love and respect for our flag and for our free country.  They must be taught about respect, gratitude and sacrifice in order for them to be able to have these same characteristics in their hearts as

Spanish Oaks Reflections Assembly Heroes Around Me

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

We had a great turn out for students who entered PTA Reflections this year.  Holly Moss did a super job organizing everything and it turned out amazing.  Special thanks to all our volunteers, as well as Kneaders and the Hale Center Theater for donating treats and awards.  If you didn't particpate this year, you can look forward to joining the fun next year!!

Spotlight: Julie Anderson, STAR Tutor and Art Specialist

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Julie is an outdoor enthusiast. She loves being at the ocean, the mountains, and the desert. She loves to try new things and is game for almost anything. She is an avid skier and is happiest on the slopes. She loves Indian and Thai cuisine and does not like to cook, so she has 3 skinny boys and a half starved husband. She is a first year teacher and is so thankful to the faculty and staff at Spanish Oaks for being so kind and patient.   

We are so glad you are here, Julie!!  You are doing an amazing job!


Math Is Fun in Kindergarten at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Mr. Hansen, our awesome district math specialist, visited Miss Mellor’s morning kindergarten class today!  They took a walking field trip together to each table to talk about different ways to share 8 “cookies” with two friends for lunch.  We had some great counting and exploration of number decomposition!  Super counting, students!