5th Grade Walk for Life

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

This year the students of Spanish Fork elementary schools participated in the city's Walk For Life project ...  Students were invited to bring the name of someone in their family who is (or was) a Veteran that they then represented in the Walk For Life.  This name was placed on their "dog tags" for the day.  A “Wall of Honor” was also created in correlation with our Walk For Life walk in May ...

Yearly Reading Goal Met by Students at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Hooray!  We met our yearly goal of 2.5 million minutes being read by our studentbody!  Congratulations students, and hang on tight, Mrs. Brown!  The students were given several options back in September of what they would like their reading reward to be if they met their goal.  They chose to duct tape Mrs. Brown to the wall!   So . . . today each child was given a long piece of duct tape that they used to keep Mrs. Brown "cocooned" to the wall.  Once she was in place, the students were serenaded with Mrs.

Orchestra Final Concert

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

Thank you all for attending the concert last evening.  Your kids were amazing.  There were times in rehearsal where it just wasn’t happening.  However, they pulled it through and performed every number the way I knew that they could.  It was marvelous to be able to help them present that for you yesterday.  I hope that you enjoyed the fruits of their labors.

Free Astrofest Science Day at BYU May 20th

Submitted by kali.brown on

FREE science day at BYU this Saturday, May 20, 2017 from 10 am to 4 pm.  More information can be found on the BYU event calendar page ... https://calendar.byu.edu/event/astrofest-where-fun-and-science-collide

This year is the total solar eclipse, which will be taking place August 21, the day before school starts and many of the activities will focus on how to prepare for the eclipse.

- BYU Dept of Physics and Astronomy

Treasure Celebrations at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

Every week teachers have been sending the name of someone in their class who has been a "treasure" that week.  We have announced their name(s) on Friday morning and invited them to come to the office for a special "thank you"!  Each weekly recipient added their personal quilt square to the “We Matter” quilt we have hanging outside the main office!!  In each classroom the teachers kept track using our "coins" of all the times their students act in a treasured way ...  At the end of the month teachers turned in these totals and the winning class earned a 'thank you' reward

Thank You PTA for an AWESOME Carnival

Submitted by kali.brown on

A ginormous THANK YOU to our amazing PTA for another outstanding carnival!  Thank you to everyone who came out to support our school!  A special "thank you" to the many, MANY people who helped, i.e., teachers, parents, faculty, staff, and our entire PTA Board.  A huge "shout out" to Kelly Burtenshaw for organizing this event, along with the wonderful ladies who provided delicious food, exciting games, phenomenal gift baskets, etc.  Our first, and hopefully annual, Spanish Oaks Got Talent was amazing ...

Final Spanish Oaks Treasures

Submitted by kali.brown on

At Spanish Oaks … we MATTER!  Every person at our school has wonderful talents to share … amazing gifts to give … valued thoughts to impart.  We are important.   Each of us is a GENIUS … and the world needs our contribution.  We each have a gift that others need.   We are enough … We are the change.  Pictured are our final "treasure" student(s) of the year.  Well done, Spanish Oaks!