Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
This year’s recipient for the Crystal Apple Award from Spanish Oaks Elementary is Shanna Stirland. Shanna attended Ricks College and graduated from Brigham Young University. Shanna has been teaching fifth grade for the past 12 years. Shanna demonstrates professionalism by having a positive attitude and a great relationship with her students, the parents of her students, as well as the teachers on her collaborative team. She cares about each individual student in her class and is willing to help in any way she can to meet the needs of each one.

D.A.R.E. Graduation at Spanish Oaks Elementary

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
Sixth graders at Spanish Oaks Elementary ended their Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) training on Friday, April 12th, with a graduation ceremony. Officer DeWitt of the Spanish Fork Police department was the instructor. During the course students learned skills to help them make wise choices throughout their lives. At the graduation several students were recognized for writing outstanding D.A.R.E. essays and others for being outstanding D.A.R.E. students. Photos of Mrs. Treff, Mrs. Huff, Officer DeWitt and sixth grade students

Sixth Grade Students Honored by Kiwanis Club

Submitted by leslie.loftin on

Six 6th grade students were honored as “Terrific Kids” by the Spanish Fork Kiwanis Club. , representatives from the Kiwanis Club, presented this award to these students. The students were chosen because of their positive attitudes, willingness to learn and go the extra mile in their school work. “Terrific” is an acronym representing- Thoughtful, Enthusiastic, Respectful, Responsible, Inclusive, Friendly, Inquisitive, and Capable. Pictured are “Terrific Kids” that were honored.

Meteorologist visits Spanish Oaks

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
Lindsay Storrs, Meteorologist from KUTV News, visited the fourth grade at Spanish Oak Elementary. She explained how cold and warm weather fronts are formed and how they affect our lives. She demonstrated some science experiments that helped to reinforce what the students learned.

Freedom Fair at Spanish Oaks Elementary

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
The fifth grade students at Spanish Oaks just culminated a unit on Social Injustices with a Freedom Fair. Students researched groups of people from the United States who have suffered a social injustice. Social issues depicted included slavery, women’s rights, child labor, the Indian Removal Act, the Civil Rights Movement for Black Americans, and the Japanese Americans’ internment during World War II. The Freedom Fair included groups of students performing skits that represented the different social injustice groups for family members and the student body.

Kindy 500 at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
Kindy 500 at Spanish Oaks Life is a highway for the kindergarten students at Spanish Oaks Elementary. The students created a vehicle to travel to different destinations and learn about national symbols and famous people in history. Some of the destinations the students visited were The White House, Lincoln Memorial, Betsy Ross’ home, and the Statue of Liberty. Students and parents lined the halls of the school while the kindergarten students took a few laps around to show off their Kindy 500 creations. Photos of Kindy 500

Nebo District Science Fair Winners

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
Spanish Oaks Elementary Science Fair district winners that will go on to the Central Utah Regional Science Fair competition at BYU: Nathan Dunn Justin Johnson Raely Nelson and Rebecca Wilding Heather Johnson Kierra Oyler Cosette McInelly (5th grade first place winner)

Spanish Oaks Performs Peter Pan

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
Students from all grade levels performed the play, Peter Pan. The play was performed for the student body and their families. The play was directed by Miranda Duke and co-directed by Angie Warner. Many volunteer hours were put in by the students, directors and parents to make this such an enjoyable and successful production! Attached: Peter Pan Cast and Play Photos

Scold the Cold at Spanish Oaks Elementary

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
Spanish Oaks Elementary students, faculty and staff were ready to scold the cold with a Hawaiian day celebration. Bright colorful leis and summer looks were spotted all over the school. Students participated in many activities including dancing the limbo, hula hooping, and eating a cool, frozen treat at lunchtime. Thanks to our student council for sponsoring this fun day! Photos of Scold the Cold day

Maple Mountain Athletes read to Spanish Oaks Students

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
Baseball players from Maple Mountain High School took time out to read to the students of Spanish Oaks Elementary. They visited classrooms and read their favorite books to the students. They encouraged the students to always work hard and to be the very best they can be. We would like to thank Coach Miner and the Golden Eagle players for their visit. Photos of Maple Mountain baseball players