Kindergarten Egg Drop

Submitted by steffani.waggoner on

Kindergarten students have been learning about various animal life cycles.  We observed caterpillars shedding their skin, forming a chrysalis, and then emerging as beautiful butterflies.  We compared the different sizes of an ostrich egg, chicken egg, and a tiny hummingbird egg.  To wrap up our studies we held our annual Egg Drop.  Students created a way to protect a raw egg from breaking as Mr. Billie launched them off the roof of the school.

Ms. Mellor and Mrs. Gunderson

Kindergarten students are Busy as Bees!

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Kindergarten Students were as "Busy as Bees" this week.  We transformed our classroom into our own little bee hive as we learned about how a colony of honey bees work together in their hives.  Every student had a job to do to help our hive, including guarding the hive, cleaning up the debri and bits of wax, collecting nectar, supporting the queen and tending the young larva in the nursery.  We had so much fun buzzing around our hive and learning about the life of honey bees.  

Miss Mellor

Keyboarding Participants from Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Let's give a shout out to all of the students who participated in the 2021 District Keyboarding Competition!  They are as follows:

Spanish Oaks 5th Graders:  Nash Carlson, Jayde Elliott, Sam Lau, Peyton Ortiz, Emily Oliveira, Harley Rowbury

Spanish Oaks 4th Graders:  Sierra Day, Danae Dodson, Ryah Dunn, Landon Hatton, Tristan Lott, Braelyn Nelson

Each participant was awarded a certificate and a gift baggie full of fun things!

BOGO Online Book Fair! April 19-23

Submitted by steffani.waggoner on

This book fair will be like the one we had in the Fall (no in-person shopping) Order Forms will be sent home and orders will be fulfilled daily during that week.  This is a great way to add to your book collection for summer reading! 

Order Forms were sent home Friday 4/16 (extra forms are in the office or can be printed here)

Spanish Oaks PTA