Online Registration for 2020-2021

Submitted by steffani.waggoner on

Watch for an email from Nebo School District about online registration in our new Infinite Campus system. 

Most of your information is already in Infinite Campus and will only need to be reviewed for accuracy.

You will receive an email on July 13th from Nebo School District...
    From: Nebo-InfiniteCampus
    Subject: User Account Activation

Thank You for Seven Wonderful Years

Submitted by kali.brown on

Thank you, Spanish Oaks Elementary, for an amazing seven years!  You are Nebo Heroes, all ... and it has been my great pleasure to learn and grow alongside you.  Thank you for your love and support, for your patience and understanding, for your example and kindness.  I love you all so much and am very excited to see what each of your futures hold!  Do great things, read every day and remember ... Be Kind, Show Respect and Work Hard!  With my great appreciation and love, Mrs. Brown. 



5th Grade Golden Explorer Awards Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

These six 5th grade students worked extra hard this year and earned the Golden Explorer Award.  Requirements include: reading 20 different books in nine different genres, visiting and learning about historical places, attending cultural events, writing authors, and interviewing veterans.  They also have to complete ALL assignments, pass off all their math facts, learn the location of all 50 states and their capitals, and have high academic and citizenship grades.  These students worked very VERY hard to achieve this and we are very proud of their accomplishment.

Here's To You, Our Students!

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Yesterday our teachers and staff had such a great time!  We picked up 500 balloons (thank you, Maceys, for your hard work) and tied individual messages to them, one to each student from their teacher.  Then away we went, delivering balloons to each student's front lawn.  As the time progressed, it was so fun to see the students who had figured out what we were doing and were waiting for us on the front porch or peeking out of their windows, waiting for their teacher to bring their balloon.  Our students are so worth recognition, and we want them to know we love them, we

Free Summer Meals

Submitted by kali.brown on

Free Summer Meals

The Utah Food Bank is offering the Free Summer Meals Program again this year in four of Nebo School District communities. This year will be a drive-thru program with two meals provided on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Who: Youth up to 18 years

What: Free Healthy Lunch

Dates: Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, June 1 - August 14

Covid 19 Benefit

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

What a great opportunity we as Spanish Oaks Faculty and Staff had today to drive the neighborhood and see the happy faces of our students that we miss so much!  It brought tears to my eyes to see how excited they were to see their teachers, and how happy the teachers were to see their students.  Thanks so much, students and parents for the great posters, signs, chalk art, etc.

SUPER Teacher/Faculty/Staff Parade Turnout Out

Submitted by kali.brown on

That was awesome!  It was so fun to see students and their families watching for us as we drove by this afternoon for our Spanish Oaks Parade!  We slowly and carefully played "follow the leader" through the neighborhoods where teachers and faculty were able to wave and blow kisses (and bubbles!) to their students.  We LOVE and MISS you all ... it was wonderful to see your smiling faces!