Imagine Learning Employees Honored at Chamber of Commerce Breakfast

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Nebo is excited to honor Greg Barry and Lori Benson and their business, Imagine Learning, at the Annual Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce's Business-Education Partnership Awards breakfast.  Last year over 300 business/education leaders came together for this event.  We are excited to honor them.  A big thanks to them for all they do for our Nebo students, to include the students at Spanish Oaks Elementary!


Costa Vita Night

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Here is our flyer for our event for Spanish Oaks Elementary. Our cashiers will keep track of receipts from those who either show the flyer or if some reason don’t have access can simply mention they are there to support Spanish Oaks.    Please come join our school for some great food!

Halloween Fun!

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Halloween Fun at Spanish Oaks!  Thanks to all the teachers, office staff, parent volunteers, and amazing students for making it a great day!

Spanish Oaks Jog-a-Thon Success

Submitted by kali.brown on

Our 3rd annual Jog-a-Thon at Spanish Oaks Elementary was a HUGE success.  The weather cooperated and everyone had a super time being outside and active together!  All of this money will go directly to the school to purchase instructional materials and technology for student use in classrooms.  Our total (as of today) for our school fund raiser is:  $3,035.31!!  Thank you for supporting our school!