Kindergarten Rules the School

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Kindergarten kids "Ruled The School" today!  Since we were the big kids at school, we had so much fun doing all kinds of things we can't do on a regular basis.  Things like having Math in a 5th grade classroom.   Running in the halls (shhhh don't tell Mrs. Brown!) Science in the teachers lounge and loving the fact that we were learning and exploring all over our school.  

Kim Mellor

DARE Graduation at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on
Our fifth grade students participated in their DARE Graduation today with Officer Peterson.  We had a great turn out of parents their to support their students.  We enjoyed hearing excerpts of several students essays, and enjoyed the message of the program.  The following comments come from a fifth grade parent who was impressed with and appreciative of the program and the Officer that did such a great job:"I wanted to say thank you so much for making the Dare program so special.

Teacher Spotlight of the Week-Mrs. Fagergren, Fourth Grade

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Jenna has the best personality. She knows exactly what to say to make light of a stressful situation. She is very positive and helps others even when it's not convenient for her. She loves getting to know other people and is very friendly and kind to everyone she meets. People love her because she isn't afraid to be her fun loving self. Jenna got married to the love of her life last year, and had her first baby earlier this month! She is  a fabulous mother because she is such a thoughtful and loving teacher to her students. They adore her.

Miss McKendrick

Project Teddy Bear

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Do any of you have new stuffed animals that you can donate to at-risk Utah children?  If so, please donate them to Bank of American Fork's 20th annual Project Teddy Bear through December 13th.  Project Teddy Bear is a stuffed-animal drive that benefits thousands of Utah children who use the services at family support centers across the state.  Many of these children are victims of abuse, displacement, broken homes, or have had other traumatic experiences.  A stuffed animal provides comfort and aids in play therapy for these children.  We hope you'll

Go Getters Class of the Month

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Mrs. Brown and Miss Young's second grade enjoyed spending time together playing games.  This class was chosen for their exceptional efforts at being kind, showing respect and working hard.  They were our "Go Getter" Class for October.  Keep up the great work!