Kindness Week Next Week at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on
tree art

Our annual Kindness Week will be next week, February 13-17.  We will kick off the week with "Hats Off To Kindness" on Monday, where students and staff can wear a hat.   

We are going to have a stuffed animal drive going on all week where we hope to have at least 150 stuffed animals donated that we are going to give to the Spanish Fork Ambulance crew.  They give every child they help and/or transport to the hospital a stuffed animal to help them not be so nervous.  We prefer new stuffed animals, but they can be very slightly used. 

Throughout the week, we will have many activities going on around the school that promote kindness in a variety of ways.  On Friday, we are going to "Ride the Wave of Kindness".  This will be a beach attire dress up day (no swimsuits, please).  

We hope to have a great week, full of kindness for each other.