Actually, I Can!

Submitted by sherri.peterson on
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We have been working in art to overcome that voice in our head that whispers doubt when we try a new thing.  These wings represent our efforts to reprogram our thinking.  So next time you think, "I can't draw, or sing, or paint, or whatever, stop that voice and say, "Actually, I Can."

This mural is a school-wide project.  Each student who participated made a feather that shows their talents and interests.  Each student helped make this possible.  These wings are inspired by the street artist Kelsey Montague's work "What Lifts You?" done in New Zealand, Australia and New York.  Montague said, "I realized that people love the opportunity to become a "living work of art' by stepping into the wings and they love getting the chance to talk about what inspires them in their lives!"

There is no more fitting mural for a school full of young minds, led by teachers and staff who champion them.  So step up there and think about all the things you CAN do!

Mrs. Julie Anderson