Excellent Explorer Award Winners at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on
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It is time for our first Excellent Explorer Celebration, and we have some super winners!!  These students are ones that were nominated by someone in the school, and then anonymously chosen by our student council.  They are students that can be looked up to as role models for all of us here at Spanish Oaks.  Our Excellent Explorers are:

Rylan Smith, nominated by Mrs. Dimmick.  “Rylan is a great example to the students around him.  He is always working hard and making good choices. He is respectful of not only his teachers, but of the other students in the class.  He looks for opportunities to help others.  I am lucky to be his teacher.

Colton Preston, nominated by Mrs. Taylor.  “Colton is awesome!  He is a great example to those around him.  He works hard and tries his best.  He is the kid that you can always count on to be a great leader, to be doing what he should even if his friends are not, and to be kind to everyone.

Madilyn Jackman, nominated by Miss McKendrick.  Madilyn has shown exceptional behavior by the way she never stops learning.  She doesn’t give up when she doesn’t understand a hard question.  She goes the extra mile to make sure she understands a problem by asking others, checking it herself, and then doing more of the same type of work to improve her skill-sets.  She seems to always be happy and I’ve never heard her say anything negative. 

Ivy Diehl, nominated by Miss Mellor.  Ivy is an amazing Kindergarten student who is showing her respect to her teacher and friends in class each day.  We have been learning about what a great listener should look like and act like as someone is teaching and Ivy has it down perfect.  She is very attentive and respectful to anyone who is talking and she reminds her friends not to talk to her when she is trying to learn.  She is not afraid to try hard things!  I am so proud of her and I am so happy she is in my class!

Ethan Donegan, nominated by Mrs. Liddle.  Ethan is a star student.  He is such a great example to the rest of the class of what a good friend and good student is like.  He is a friend to everyone.  He is a great helper in class and checks off students’ morning work because he finishes his own work so quickly.  He is respectful of me as the teacher, as well as his classmates.  He exhibits exceptional behavior.

Alema Lavaki, nominated by Mrs. Stewart.  Alema is always looking for ways to help others.  He embodies each and every aspect of being an Excellent Explorer.  He is always one of the first people in class and out on the playground to see someone in need and be there to help.  He is a good friend and is so kind and respectful, no matter the situation.  He is such a positive young man and looks at any challenge he is given with a good attitude.  He is a wonderful example and a joy to have in my class.

Congratulations to all of you!