Spanish Oaks Staff Spotlight

Submitted by leslie.loftin on
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Mrs. Angela Olsen teaches kindergarten at Spanish Oaks. She and her husband, Matt, live in Spanish Fork, and they have two daughters and one son. Angela grew up in Spanish Fork and has attended college at Dixie State, Utah Valley University and Brigham Young University. Her favorite foods are chips and salsa from Joe Banditos, peanut M&M’s and pizza. Her favorite vacation destination is Lake Powell where her family enjoys relaxing on their houseboat. Her favorite genre of books is anything with mystery and suspense. She loves to go camping in the mountains with her family whenever she gets a chance and enjoys reading, riding horses and boating. She expressed how much she loves it when former students that she has taught throughout the years come back to visit and give her hugs. Her favorite quote is, “Through perseverance victory shall be obtained.” Spanish Oaks is lucky to have such a fun person and wonderful teacher on our staff!