February Reading Celebration

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

The students at Spanish Oaks Elementary love Mrs. Brown, so they are motivated to read when they have a chance to earn a party with her!  The more a student reads, the more reading tickets they earn.  All the reading tickets in the school are put into a big bin.  One student from each class is drawn from the bin to have a reading celebration party with Mrs. Brown! Students got to frost and decorate heart-shaped cookies, and you can tell by their faces that they had a blast!

Teacher Appreciation

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

We are spoiled here at Spanish Oaks Elementary!  I have never heard of another school PTA that goes through as much time and effort to make their teachers feel appreciated.  This year's theme for Teacher Appreciation was "United in Love" and boy did we feel loved!  The faculty room has been decorated to match the theme, and we have been eating ourselves to death with all the sandwhiches, desserts, and snacks!

Heidi Dimmick Recieves PEAK Award

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

We want to congratulate Mrs. Dimmick for receiving the PEAK Award at the District Board Meeting last night.  She was nominated by 4 of our Spanish Oaks teachers who recognize all the amazing things she does for her students, peers and our entire school.  We are lucky to have her among us!!



QU wedding

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

 Kindergarten students were special guests today at a wedding for Miss Q and Mr. U.!!    The students prepared for the wedding by making crowns and bowties covered with words that have the qu combination.  With Mrs. Brown officiating, these two letters were united together so they will forever help each other make the /kw/ sound in all words where q u are together.  Like in the words quick, quiet, quilt, and quack.

Kim Mellor

Wedding in Kindergarten at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

 Kindergarten students were special guests today at a wedding for Miss Q and Mr. U.!!    The students prepared for the wedding by making crowns and bowties covered with words that have the qu combination.  With Mrs. Brown officiating, these two letters were united together so they will forever help each other make the /kw/ sound in all words where q u are together.  Like in the words quick, quiet, quilt, and quack.

Food Drive Finishes Up at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

The past two weeks the students have been having a grade level competition to see who could bring the most cans of food to contribute to Tabitha's Way Food Bank.  We had a whopping 2,074 items turned in!  Thank you so much to everyone who helped out!  Our 6th grade took first place, with 483 cans, 1st grade took second with 412, and 3rd grade finished off the top three with 314.   It is great to be part of such a super project that both teaches our children to care about others, and contributes to those in need in our own community.  

Spanish Oaks Celebrates Mrs. Brown

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Tuesday at Spanish Oaks we spent "A Day in the Life of Mrs. Brown".  Each class was assigned a time of day, and they were to come up with what they thought Mrs. Brown would be doing during that time.  Mrs. Brown then traveled around the classrooms to be treated to singing, poetry, relaxation therapy, treasure hunts and much more as the students celebrated what they thought she would be doing, as well as what they appreciate about her.  It was such a fun day, and students, teachers and staff alike did a great job of telling Mrs. Brown how much they love her.