New Dictionaries from Nebo Credit Union

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Several days ago each third grader was given a dictionary by Nebo Credit Union.  Students spent time finding words in their dictionaries, finding information about different states, discovering who the 21st president was, and learning about the sign language alphabet. These dictionaries stay with the students at the school all year and then they are able to take them home.  Thank you Nebo Credit Union!

Miss Robison's Class How To Writing

Submitted by kali.brown on

Miss Robison's class has been working on Informational Writing.  Part of teaching Informational Writing is teaching How-To writing.  Students pretended they were news reporters and got to choose which news cast they were in.  Students wrote and memorized their own scripts, and then Miss Robison filmed them.  Below is the class News Report ... Enjoy!

Clark Planetarium At Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our 4th-6th grade students were lucky to receive a visit from Clark Planetarium’s Outreach Program yesterday.  They learned a lot and participated in a variety of interesting science experiments.  Our sixth graders were excited to learn more about the 6th grade Astronomy science core. 

Holiday Food Drive at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

Our annual Holiday Food Drive will run from November 1, 2015 - November 15, 2015.  Thanks to your generous donations, last year we collected ... 4,365 items!!  All donations to Tabitha's Way  will stay here locally to help stop hunger.  This year our goal is to EXCEED last year's goal!!