"What a Kick" at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

The third grade had a great time learning about being disciplined and focused as they practiced some great techniques in karate.  It was a real "kick" to see them trying some moves as their teachers held a pad.  We even had Mrs. Allred impress the students by breaking a board.  That's one tough teacher!

Box Top Winner at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

It was a SUPER close race this year … 3 classes had more than 1,000 box tops each.  Very impressive!

We are thrilled to announce the winner of the pizza celebration is … Mrs. Reid's 2nd Grade Class, with a total of 1,416 box tops turned in. 

Our whole school total box tops collected this year was 15,144 box tops!  AMAZING!  That equates to $1,514.00 for our school!  

National School Breakfast Week March 2-6

Submitted by kali.brown on

"Come celebrate National School Breakfast Week March 2-6 with Nebo School District! Eating school breakfast can add a great boost to your day. But don’t just take our word for it, students who eat school breakfast have better attendance, behavior, test scores and less tardiness as reported by the Food Research and Action Council.