Kindergarten Egg Drop

Submitted by jenn.moxon on

Kindergarten students have learned about science and egg and when they combine sometimes it is a messy subject! While Mr Billie throws the protected eggs off of the schools roof the children (not all kindergartners) watch and wonder what eggs will survive and which will not. . . .


Teacher/Student Switch Dress-up Day at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

The Student Council at Spanish Oaks decided it might be fun to switch places with the teachers for a day!  On Tuesday, April 22, 2014, the students dressed like the teachers ... and the teachers dressed like the students.  Other than a bit of confusion as to who should make the morning announcements, it was good times all around!

Awesome 5th Grade Program at Spanish Oaks!

Submitted by kali.brown on

 "Welcome to our 5th grade program!  We are excited to take you on a walk through the history of our country, the United States of America.  Enjoy as we share with you what we’ve learned about our country from 1492-2014!" exclaimed one of our amazing fifth grade students.  The 5th Grade at Spanish Oaks Elementary gave an amazing performance as they taught their audiences about American history through trivia and song starting in 1492 until today.

Spanish Oaks Kiwanis Club TERRIFIC Kids

Submitted by kali.brown on
On Thursday, April 24, 2014, the Spanish Oaks Kiwanis Club honored some of the TERRIFIC Kids of Spanish Oaks.  The following sixth grade students were chosen to be recognized from our school:  Mandy Rothaug, Joshua Krueger, Andrew Pontious, Molly Bloxham, Michael Swan, and Hadlie St. John.  Congratulations and well done!
  • Thoughtful ... Consider the feelings and needs of others
  • Enthusiastic ... Demonstrate feelings of excitement and interest
  • Respectful ...

We LOVE Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Johnson at Spanish Oaks!

Submitted by kali.brown on

We are blessed to have two of the very finest at Spanish Oaks!! Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Johnson keep our school running and make our lives easier through ways we don't even recognize ... To say "thank you" to these amazing ladies, each of our classes created cards, books, letters, posters, song n' dance numbers, etc., to let them know how very much they are loved and appreciated this week (and always)!!

Secretaries, secretaries, we love you ... You get us ice for each boo boo.

Pizza Reading Celebration at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

Twenty-four lucky students were selected for their outstanding reading efforts last month and rewarded with a pizza celebration with Mrs. Brown on Wednesday, April 22.  Students ate, visited, laughed and ... ate to their hearts content!  One student exclaimed, "This is the BEST day of my life!"  Thank you to Mrs. Gunderson for facilitating the activity ... we appreciate her so much!  We LOVE reading (and pizza) at Spanish Oaks!

Monster Orchestra Concert at SHHS

Submitted by kali.brown on

On Tuesday, April 22, Nebo School District celebrated the progress of our sixth grade string orchestra students with its annual, district-wide ‘Monster Concert’.  The concert featured string students from 23 of the elementary schools in a combined performance.  Over 250 students performed together in this exciting celebration.  Well done Mr. Hansen and Spanish Oaks orchestra!!