Spanish Oaks Second Grade Program

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our second grade students did an awesome job on their Fine Arts program yesterday and this morning.  They sang, danced and presented a play.  We are so proud of them, and wish them good luck tonight when they present to their parents.  A "shout out" to the second grade teachers for all their hard work!

Dental Health Presentation

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

We had some special guests come to Spanish Oaks Elementary to teach students about how to take care of their teeth! Students learned it is important to brush twice a day and floss once a day so they can prevent getting cavities.  Thank you to Rocky and his friends for teaching us the important of dental health!

Champions Challenge Reading Assembly

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

We were in for a treat this past week when Champions Challenge Rodeo came to Spanish Oaks Elementary!  We had cowboys, a rodeo clown, and Miss Rodeo Utah come talk to us about what they do at the rodeo and ... the importance of reading.  We even got to see Mrs. Brown get in a barrell and get hit by "bulls", just like the rodeo clown does!  At the end of the assembly two students were awarded bikes for being great readers.  

Spanish Oaks Custodian Shovels, and Plows and Pushes . . .

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Monte Billie, our custodian, deserves a "Hip, Hip, Hooray" for his sweat and tears as he shoveled, and shoveled, and shoveled, to keep up with the snow removal this past month.   He has done a tremendous job, and even did it with a smile!  He is so appreciated!  A group of us even went out to the parking lot after a late night CMI to find our windshields cleaned off on our cars.  Thank you, Mr. Billie!