Scholarship Awarded to Teachers at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Mrs. Dimmick and Mr. Crockett got together to write a grant to the Nebo Foundation to purchase a chrome book cart to house the 30 chromebooks they received from a technology grant that they also wrote earlier this year.  Nebo Foundation awarded them over $600 this morning in our faculty meeting, which was matched by Mrs. Brown.  Congratulations, teachers!!  It is already in use daily! 

PEAK Award Nominations from Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

Teachers, staff and faculty are doing AMAZING things each day at Spanish Oaks ...  Do you know someone at our school who really exhibits Positive Energy and Kindness (PEAK)?  The link below gives instructions on nominating qualified candidates who will be recognized at the Nebo School District Board meeting(s).  Let's recognize and celebrate those individuals who are doing things that MATTER each day at our school!

October 2016 Box Top Winners

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

October 2016 Box Tops 1st Place Winners...

Congratulations to Miss Mellor's (afternoon) Kindergarten class for collecting the most Box Tops. The 1st place prize includes 100 Scholastic Dollars to spend at the Scholastic Book Fair (look at all of those great books), some Extra Recess time and the Golden Crayon. Way to go! Remember to keep collecting those Box Tops, we will have another Box Tops Race in February.

5th Grade Race for Class Presidents

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

We had some fantastic competition in this year's race for class president! Each class voted on two nominees, then after a week of campaigning, we heard the nominees' speeches and a debate, then students voted for class president. The states the students had chosen turned out to be their Electoral College votes, which was a crazy twist! All of the nominees did a fantastic job and will make great class presidents and vice presidents!

Kylie Rosenvall

5th Grade DARE

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

5th grade is having a blast with Officer Dewitt in DARE! He brought his car in and we got to sound the sirens! 

Kylie Rosenvall

Fractured Fairytales

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

Mrs. Dimmick's class has been working on writing fractured fairytale stories. They typed their own stories and made them into books. They are sharing the stories with each other and then the books will be in the school library for a couple of weeks for the rest of the school to enjoy.

Heidi Dimmick