5th Grade Presidents

Submitted by jenn.moxon on

"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of the President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

Our amazing 5th grade students learned all about what it takes to be the President of the United States of America, and about each of the 44 men who have led our country.  Thank you, 5th graders, for your service!

1st Grade Readers' Theater

Submitted by kali.brown on

The students in Miss Lybbert's class treated the entire first grade to an amazing Readers' Theater for Christmas!  The students told the story of the "other reindeer" ... teaching us how the rest of the reindeer got their names.  Each of the children presented their parts beautifully and closed the program with their own rendition of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", accompanied by their fellow first grader on the piano!  Thank you for a super program!

Orchestra Christmas Concert

Submitted by kali.brown on

The amazing orchestra students from Spanish Oaks performed for family and friends at their annual Christmas Concert.  Many of the students performed solos, duets and trios to display their wonderful skill and talent.  We are so grateful to our director, Mr. Russell Hansen, for his never-ending hours of dedication and work to support the arts at our school.  Thank you for a beautiful evening of celebration through music!

Reading Celebration ... Gingerbread Houses with Mrs. Brown

Submitted by kali.brown on

For our December Reading Celebration, one student from every class won the opportunity to decorate gingerbread houses with Mrs. Brown as a reward for reading every day during the month.  Students worked hard to create very elaborate gingerbread houses, and even had the chance to eat a piece or two!  We LOVE to read at Spanish Oaks Elementary!

Choir Christmas Concert

Submitted by kali.brown on

On December 2, the amazing choir students from Spanish Oaks performed their annual Christmas Concert for families and neighbors.  The MMHS auditorium was filled with supportive parents as the students sang their renditions of favorite Christmas tunes.  Choir directors Maren Christensen, Rachel Hughes and Carolyn Aagard are to be commended for their wonderful work with the children.  The music was inspiring as the singers kicked off the holiday season with their beautiful voices!

Explorer Food Drive a HUGE Success!

Submitted by kali.brown on

Our Explorer Food Drive was a HUGE success!  Thank you to families for helping us collect over 2,400 items ... that is DOUBLE the goal we had set for ourselves!  The student council was pleased to announce that after a hard fought, nail-biting battle for the grade-level who donated the most items ...

50 Days of Kindergarten

Submitted by jenn.moxon on

Learning our A, B, C's, numbers and counting are some of the first things we learn!  So, in line with counting, it has been 50 days of school already!  Our Kindergartners dressed up like they were in the 50's, learned to dance some 50's dances, and had some great root beer floats!  We love 50's Day and our Kindergartners!

5th Grade Colonial Days

Submitted by jenn.moxon on

The 5th grade has been learning about what it was like to live in the colonial days!  Great times!  To culminate their learning, they dressed like children from the time period.   The students were all given names from the time period, as well.  They had spelling tests, played marbles, and built Jacob's ladders.



Reading , Reading and More Reading!!!

Submitted by jenn.moxon on

We are so excited to continue our 'Race into Reading' reading program for the 2013-2014 school year.  “The goal of the program is to encourage improvement in literacy which will help develop daily and lifelong reading habits, specifically by READING EVERY DAY at least 20 minutes, to improve vocabulary, proficiency, and communication skills” (Garff, 2012). 

THIS was our 1st awards assembly!   There were lots of great give-a-ways, including ... 2 Brand New Bikes!!!

Keep reading and turning in your tickets ... there are lots of chances to win!