Third Grade Drawing Lesson

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

The third graders have been learning how to draw a still life. Today Mrs. Dimmick taught the entire third grade how to shade in each of their bottles in their still life.  We love all the great art that happens at our school.

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Mrs. Stewart

Fun Way to Read!

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Mrs. Stewart’s class is practicing becoming even better readers by DYAD reading.  Each of them has a partner and they read together to become more fluent readers and to build their vocabulary. They really enjoy getting to buddy read with a partner and become more fluent readers.

Mrs. Stewart

First Big Umbrellas at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

Who are some of the members of a family, e.g., mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, etc.  Who are some of the members of our SCHOOL family, e.g., teachers, specialists, students, secretaries, lunch ladies, custodians, etc.  At Spanish Oaks this year we are working hard to take care of our school family!  We are making room for everyone ... we are looking out for each other ...

Spanish Oaks PTA Rock STARS

Submitted by kali.brown on

Spanish Oaks Elementary is a phenomenal place for our kids and our families!  We have amazing volunteers, students, teachers, staff, administrators, and support!  The Utah PTA awarded us the STARS Award for 100% Membership of Teachers, Faculty, and Staff in our PTA last year!  If you’d like to volunteer on one committee or a few we’d love to have you!  Watch for our Membership Drive next week!

Holly Moss