Maceys School Cents

Submitted by kali.brown on

Maceys grocery store has re-instated its school donation program.  When parents shop at Maceys, the store will donate 1% of the receipt total back to our school.  If you are a Perks member at Maceys, all you need to do is:

5th Grade Regions Fair

Submitted by kali.brown on

The 5th grade students at Spanish Oaks learned about all 50 states during their annual Regions Fair ... from the state bird of Alabama, to the Seal of Wyoming and everything in between.  They learned about the different regions and cultures here in the USA.  On Thursday, October 3, they were able to present what they had learned through posters, booths and Q&A sessions with students, teachers, parents, and other visitors to our school.

Welcome, Miss Shumway!

Submitted by kali.brown on

A warm Spanish Oaks welcome to Miss Katie Shumway, our new 3rd grade teacher!  “It is our choices ... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities,” - Albus Dumbledore.  This is one of Miss Shumway's favorite quotes, and aren't we glad she chose to come here!  Miss Shumway was born and raised in Provo!

String Orchestra A Huge Success!

Submitted by kali.brown on

The students at Spanish Oaks brilliantly survived the first two weeks of String Orchestra!  From our amazing instructor, Mr. Hansen, "Your kids are excellent!  They listen respectfully and do what they are asked.  There are several who seem to have a natural knack for playing a string instrument.  As you may have surmised, learning one of these instruments is no small nor easy task.  We have acknowledged just how difficult it can be.  However, we have also determined that we can Do Hard Things (one of our mottos).

MMHS Football Players Visit Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

Football players from Maple Mountain High School took time out of their busy school schedules to read to the students at Spanish Oaks Elementary who are more than half their age and less than twice their size.  They visited classrooms and read their favorite books to the students.  The players encouraged students to always work hard and to be the very best they can be!