Dance EXTRA Assembly

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

On Friday our school got the opportunity to see our Dance EXTRA team perform in an assembly!  Thank you to Mr. Crockett for teaching the students these dances that they could share with the school! 

Miss Robison Class How-To's

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

Students worked really hard on creating these news reports.  They wrote their news report in groups, and then they decided who would say each part.  Then they memorized their parts and I filmed the class.  The students are so proud of their News Reports!

Lindsay Robison

Mrs. Phelps Secret Santa

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

Mrs. Phelps's class decided to do a secret service for another class at our school today.  They cleaned desks, wrote cards, and left candy canes.  I bet that class was super surprised when they got back to their classroom today!

5th Grade D.A.R.E.

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

5th Grade commemorated D.A.R.E. Graduation this past week.  The students loved getting to know Spanish Fork Officer DeWitt and committing to keeping a alcohol, tobacco, and drug free life.  Students learned about the dangers of drugs and also got to explore a cop car, see how police dogs seek out drugs and other items, try their hand at impairment goggles.  

Ariane Wengreen

BYU Basketball Kid's Day

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

We had so much fun at the BYU Women's basketball game against Weber State.  All the kids were asked to wear white for a white-out game.  Some members from our school even made it on the jumbotron!  What made the experience even more exciting is that BYU won the game!

Spelling Bee at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

The Spelling EXTRA Club Spelling Bee was a blast!  Mrs. Aagard did a fantastic job as the judge; she was excellent.  The students did a great job and had fun!  We are so proud of them ... ALL the students in the competition had nerves of steel!

The winners were:
Aidan Huhtala, 1st Place
Anabel Chavez, 2nd Place
Allison Christiansen, 3rd Place

Thanks to all who participated in making this a success, especially Ashley Christriansen, who organized and implemented our Spelling EXTRA program, as well as this celebration event!