Spanish Oaks Science Fair Winners Move On

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

 A huge congratulations to 10 of our Spanish Oaks students who went on to the district level science fair at Landmark High School yesterday!  Eight (8) of these students are now going to State at BYU ... Way to represent, 5th grade!!!! 

Those moving on are:  Gracie Herbert, Naomi Good (Honorable Mention), Lucy Kilpatrick and Bailey Maughan (3rd Place), Kam Nielsen, Jeven Tomlinson, Aiden Johnson, Dylan Bloxham, and Jackie Tiapson. 

Living Things in Kindergarten

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Students in Miss Mellor's classes got the chance to study and learn about living and non-living things today.   Mrs. Collier our student teacher brought some living gold fish to class today for us to compare to a non-living gold fish cracker.  We discovered that living things must have 5 important factors  ​​1. It moves   2. It has to breathe   3. It can make more of itself.   4. It needs food and water.  5. It will grow.  

We had a great time exploring the difference between living and non-living things.
Kim Mellor

Our Students Are Extraordinary

Submitted by kali.brown on

Can one good deed from an ordinary person change the world?  Well, we are finding out that it can ... This year at Spanish Oaks we have been focusing on doing Extraordinary Deeds for those around us.  We work each week to perform good deeds for others, which have multiplied as they are passed on by those who have been touched by our acts of kindness.  It is turning out to be an EXTRAORDINARY year!  Pictured are this weeks' Extraoriberries!!

Valentines Celebrations At Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Mrs. Robinson's kindergarten class had fun passing out their Valentines,  playing Valentine games, making Valentine love bug hats and eating delicious Valentine donuts!
Miss Robison's second grade got to celebrate Valentine's Day by making heart shaped breadsticks.  Students got to eat their breadsticks while passing out their Valentines at the end of the day. Students brought in very creatively decorated boxes as a place for their classmates to put Valentines into. 

Chrissie Robinson, Lindsay Robison