Hope Squad March for Hope 3-31-15

Submitted by kali.brown on

You are invited to a special Hope Squad event held on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 7:00pm.  They are hosting a district-wide walk that promotes mental health and the prevention of suicide in our communities.  Everyone is welcome to attend!  Their goal is to see Nebo employees, students, and residents of all cities within our district at this "March for Hope."  The walk will begin at Spanish Fork High School and walk down Main Street.

SEP Dinner - Thank You PTA

Submitted by kali.brown on

SEP Conferences were a HUGE success at Spanish Oaks!  We owe a special "thank you" to our amazing PTA for keeping us fed and happy.  Thank you, Katie Drollinger, Shauna Warnick, and all of the wonderful individuals who made food and volunteered their time.  A giant "shout out" to Texas Road House for catering our dinner.  Thank you, as well, to all the parents who came and celebrated their students' successes with us.

Big Reading Specialist THANKS at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

We, at Spanish Oaks, would like to extend a heart-felt "thank you" to Carolyn Allen, a long time Reading Specialist at our school.  Carolyn has been working most recently as a STAR tutor, assisting students in reading.  The students love working with her and she has been a great asset to our school.  Mrs. Allan is retiring to spend more time with her family, and is headed on a cruise to Panama.  Thank you for all you have done for our students and best of luck to you, Carolyn!

Team UP ... Join the PTA at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

The Spanish Oaks Elementary PTA is looking for volunteers.  While we appreciate all who join as members, we could use some more help in leadership positions.  This is a great opportunity to help plan activities for our school, sit on our PTA Board with the principal and teacher representative(s), and be “a voice” for how our PTA funds are used.  If you are able to be more involved this next school year, we would love to have you!

Currently our PTA is in charge of the following at the school:

Spanish Oaks Fun Run Race

Submitted by kali.brown on

Spanish Oaks Fun Run Race:  Saturday, May 16, 2015 @ 8:00 a.m. 

Pay with RevTrak on our school's website.  Below is the link to get there.

Come and enjoy our Spanish Oaks Fun Run Race!
   - 5K or 1 mile race for $15 (T-shirt included)

Vaccine Clinics

Submitted by kali.brown on

Nebo School District, along with the Utah County Health Department, will be having three vaccine clinics. These clinics will help students entering Kindergarten and 7th grade. Employees can also receive their immunizations. See the Vaccine Clinics Flyer for details.

All patrons and employees of Nebo School District are welcome.

Suzanne Livingston
School Nurse
Nebo School District

White House Tea at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our fifth grade students became President or First Lady of the United States for a day while they presented information about themselves to their parents. Their parents then used the information to determine which president they were depicting.  We had great costumes, and even some members of the President's personal security team (the fifth grade teachers).  Nice job, fifth graders!