Miss Q and Mr. U in Kindergarten

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Kindergarten students attended the wedding of Miss Q and Mr. U today!  All of the guests looked oh so fancy in their nicest tiaras and extra handsome in their big bow ties.  These two lovely letters are forever joined together and will remain side by side in most words for years to come.

 This fun day is to help remind us of the spelling rule that letter Q is almost always followed by letter U in words such as queen, quick and quiet.  
Miss Mellor

Kindness Week at Spanish Oaks-Day 5

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our song today was "Two Heads Are Better Than One", and our quotes were: "Kindness is more than a feeling, it's a way of life," and "The world is full of kind people, if you can't find one, be one."  Our challenge was to do an anonymous act of kindness to a member of your family over the weekend.  We hope some great things are done.  Our picture today is of a group of students caught being kind to a staff member that wanted them recognized for their help.  Thanks, staff and students, for a great week full of kindness.

Kindness Week at Spanish Oaks-Day 4

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Today started off with the Friendship Song, then our quotes were "Kindness is seeing the best in others when they cannot see it in themselves," and "Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give."  Great thoughts to remember!  Our challenge was to ask someone about their day and really listen to their answer.  For the activity each student is recognizing and thanking another student for an act of kindness.  They are putting them on a strip of paper to make a school wide chain of good deeds.  A big thanks to Mr.

Kindness Week at Spanish Oaks-Day 3

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our quotes for day 3 were: "Wherever there is a human in need there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference," and "Kindness means building bridges instead of walls".  Our song was "A Little Bit of Honey", and the challenge was to write a note of gratitude to a Spanish Oaks staff member and deliver it.

Kindness Week at Spanish Oaks-Day 2

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our song for today was "I Like Being Me", and our quotes were:  "You will never regret being kind," from Elijah Gasser, and ""Three things in a human life are important.  The first thing is to be kind.  Second is to be kind, and third, is to be kind," turned in by Hallie Brittain.  The challenge was to smile at 25 people.  With masks, we are doing that with sign language.  Again, ask your child how that went and if they had fun.  We are also writing thank you messages to 2 of our district personnel that will be retiring at the end of this year.  Our h

Mrs. Dimmick Wins Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

We want to congratulate Mrs. Dimmick on her Crystal Apple Award.  This is a special award voted on by her peers.  Mrs. Dimmick LOVES her students, and they know that!!  She lets them know daily that she believes in them.  This award is well deserved.  Mrs. Dimmick was very grateful and said, "Now that I’ve pulled myself back together after the surprise of the day I just wanted to thank you all so much! I am so incredibly humbled by this recognition.

Renaissance Day at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sherri.peterson on
As the culminating event of our social studies unit, 6th Grade went back in time to the Renaissance. Students began the day learning about social customs during the Renaissance time period so that they could authentically greet and address one another throughout the day. They then designed a coat of arms and motto for their family name. Next, students learned a court dance fit to perform at a royal ball. During the remainder of the day, students set up a faire displaying booths of their own creation. We had everything from fortune telling, to black smithing, to swordsmanship!