A Shout Out to Our Local Chick-Fil-A and Fiiz

Submitted by steffani.waggoner on

Here at Spanish Oaks, we have been amazed at how supportive our local businesses are of our public schools.  They are so willing to donate items, give discounts, and just help out in any way possible.  We just had Chick-Fil-A donate a large number of meal cards, and Fiiz a large number of gift cards.  They have shown appreciation for the hard work our teachers and staff are doing.  Thanks so much for their support of education, and for their donations!!

Colonial Day in Fifth Grade

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

The fifth grade students learned all about how school would have been if they attended in Colonial times.  They dressed up, had their names changed, used no technology, wrote with ink and quill, used hammers and nails, and even had an old fashioned chalkboard.  Times have certainly changed.  A big thanks to the fifth grade teachers for making this a memorable learning experience!

Spanish Oaks Reflection Winners Moving On to Council or Region

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Congratulations to all the students who won Excellence in one or more categories for their Reflection entries.  They did an amazing job and will be moving on to Council.  Good luck to all of you!

The following students are headed to region in these categories:  Violet Redfearn-dance, Sarah Clark-film, Kate Christiansen-film, Tanner Christiansen-3D, Carter Christiansen-3D and Harrison Taylor-3D.  Good luck!!