District Keyboard Champions

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

Both of these students were first place winners from Spanish Oaks Elementary at the District Keyboarding Competition held at Spanish Fork High School on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 ... Eli Asay (5th) typing 109 WPM and Alli Christiansen (4th) typing 88 WPM.  Congratulations, and well done!!

Kindy 500

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

Kindy 500 is a school-wide favorite tradition.  The whole school lines the halls as the Kindergarteners parade around with their homemade cars.  It is always impressive to see what cars the students come to school with.  Great job Kindergarten!

5th Grade Program

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

Today we had the opportunity to watch the 5th-grade program.  It was jam-packed with facts about U.S. History from songs, speaking parts, and quiz questions.  A 5th-grade student would ask a quiz question and the rest of the students in the school would use sign language to tell their teacher what letter option they thought was the correct answer.  The teacher would use letter cards to show the 5th grade what their class thought the answer was.  Then the 5th grade would sing a song about the answer to the quiz question.

Vocal Dimension OperaWorks Assembly

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

VOCAL DIMENSION “OPERAWORKS”  is a mixed quartet with piano accompanist that presented an entertaining introduction to the world of Opera.  Students learned about the history, the voice parts, and various elements of Opera.  They enjoyed the “light” side of Opera as they, themselves, became the makeup artist, prop director and sang in the Opera chorus of a delightful version of the “Three Pigs.” Energetic, and fast-paced, “Operaworks” proves that Opera really can be fun!! 

Emily Monroe Spanish Oaks Teacher of the Year

Submitted by kali.brown on

“Emily understands the importance of meeting the students where they are.  She keeps a sharp eye on student understanding and realizes the importance of parent involvement in the success of each child.  Emily is dependable, hardworking, and works positively with the entire school community.  She is well organized and thrives under adversity.  Emily has the ability to collaborate and finds value in the ideas of others.  She is an outstanding person!”  We love you, Mrs. Monroe!!

  • http://www.nebo.edu/news/2450