Happy Birthday, Travis!

Submitted by lindsay.robison on

Happy birthday to our very own, Travis Johnson!  Staff and faculty surprised one of our favorite sweepers with a birthday celebration song and cake… Thank you for making us great, Travis… Happy birthday!

Kali Brown

September 2017 Nebo PEAK Award Winner Sherri Peterson

Submitted by kali.brown on

“Without Sherri, our school would flounder.  Her official ‘title’ is that of facilitator.  ‘The facilitator's job is to support EVERYONE to do their best thinking and practice ... to encourage full participation, promote mutual understanding and cultivate shared responsibility.’  Notice the verb(s):  help, support, encourage, cultivate, share, etc.  Sherri is the ‘action word’ behind everything we accomplish at Spanish Oaks.  She gives of her time, talents, and resources freely, and we are all better for having known her.”  Congratulations, Mrs.

We LOVE Books from Our PTA

Submitted by kali.brown on

Mrs. Quinton's 6th grade students are going to be so surprised!  Thanks to our wonderful PTA, and the extra efforts of our Book Fair Chairperson, Jacoy Baird, they have a brand new, hardcover set of The False Prince to use for guided reading.  Thank you for supporting reading at Spanish Oaks!

Camp Floyd Field Trip

Submitted by lindsay.robison on
Fourth Grade had a great field trip to Camp Floyd! Students made candles and adobe bricks, learned how military men prepared their rifles, visited historic buildings, and simulated the pony express. A favorite for many students was the old schoolhouse where they wrote on chalkboards and played games from the 1860's. We learned a lot and had fun trying new things!
Jenna Fagergren

Come Join Our School CHOIR at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

Do you like to sing ...?  Do you enjoy entertaining people ...?  Do you feel good when you work hard and learn something new ...?  Then you should come join us in choir.  Mrs. Christensen and Mrs. Drollinger have an amazing season planned for us, full of great songs and fun learning.  Our first performance will be during our school's presentation to the School Board on Wednesday, October 11 @ 6:00 p.m.  Please click the link below where you will find:  schedule, registration form, information letter, etc.