Spanish Oaks Finishes Off Reading Program for the Year

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

We had a great assembly today to finish off our reading program for the year.  Our goal was to read 2,000,000 minutes, and we passed our goal with 2,384,796!  Way to go, students and teachers!  We had a lot of free book give-aways to help keep that reading going! 

The winners of our 2 college scholarships were:  Talina Castro and Oliver Stroud.  Congratulations to them!

Our final bike winner came from our Kindergarten ... Landon Grotegut!  Way to go, Landon!

Spanish Oaks Fourth Grade Scientists

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our 4th grade students learned to be scientists and classify items according to the characteristics each has in common.  We used potato chips as the items that students would observe, taste, and then classify using classifying diagrams such as flow charts and numbered charts.  All of the students had a good time, learned a lot, and gained a pound or two!

Spanish Oaks Carnival a Huge Success

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Rain or shine (and we got a little bit of both) our carnival was a go last Friday evening.  We had a great turn-out of both parents and students who enjoyed our live band, dunking teachers and the principal in the dunk tank, pizza and hotdogs, cotton candy and more!  As a fund raiser, the PTA also sold baskets full of fun, each donated by a class at the school.  Thanks so much to all who helped make this great event happen!  We all had a ball!

PTA School Carnival a HUGE Success

Submitted by kali.brown on

Thank you to ALL who came last night to support our PTA School Carnival!!  It was a HUGE success and everyone had an awesome time ... especially the Dunking Booth participants!  A special "thank you" to each of our volunteers, with particular appreciation going out to our amazing PTA Board!  What a wonderful way to celebrate the end of an outstanding year!

Spanish Oaks 5K Fun Run Winners

Submitted by kali.brown on

Bright and early Saturday morning, the dedicated students, parents, faculty and staff of Spanish Oaks joined for our annual 5K / Fun Run!!  Although we were few in numbers, these brave souls would not let a little chance of thunder storms dampen their fun.  We laughed together as we ran, celebrated great finishes and refueled with oranges and bananas ... a PERFECT morning!  A special "thank you" to Mr. Crockett for organizing the event, as well as to each of our awesome volunteers for sharing their Saturday morning with us.  Thank you for filling our buckets ...