Kid Curator Program

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

3rd Grade was lucky to have the Springville Museum of Art come and present their kid curator program for students. Mrs. Till explained and demonstrated what a curator does. Then she gave bags to groups of students. They each came up with their own curated “show.” They had to explain what the main idea of their show was.

Mrs. Dimmick

Let's Get Wet!

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

2nd Grade celebrated a successful first week of school by have a water party. We played games, ran through the sprinklers and relaxed in the sun!

Mrs. Robinson

Rounding Can Be Fun!

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Students in third grade applied what they have been learning about rounding to everyday life. They used grocery ads to decide about how much their favorite foods would cost.

Mrs. Dimmick

Digital Citizenship Lesson

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Mrs. Stewart’s class learned about digital citizenship today.  They talked about how once messages get sent that even though something gets deleted, doesn’t mean it’s gone.  We leave our digital fingerprint so we need to be careful about what we are sending and saying online.  It was such a great lesson and we loved having Mrs. Nelson come to our class and talk to us about such an important topic. 

Mrs. Brown Introduces New Theme with Great Book

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our theme this year, "Welcome to OUR family ... there's Room for ALL!" comes from the picture book The Big Umbrella, by Amy June Bates.  It is a great story about an umbrella that loves to help and give shelter, no matter who needs it.  The book says some people worry that there won't be enough room under the big umbrella, but the amazing thing is . . . there is.  Just like there is always room for everyone who comes to our school . . . we are one big family.