Learning Going on in Mrs. Graham's Class

Submitted by sherri.peterson on
As we learned about Hellen Keller in our Journeys story this week, students in Mrs. Graham's class tried to get a feel for what it might feel like to be blind and deaf.  Although it was nowhere close to the real thing, it gave them some food for thought and got them thinking. 
Katrina Graham, second grade teacher

How Can I Help Parents in Your School?

Submitted by kali.brown on

Heidi Whitaker is a wonderful district resource for parents with special needs children in our schools.  Some of her responsibilities as Nebo District's "Parent Mentor" for the UPC are to help parents understand how the special education system works, how to problem-solve peacefully, and how to communicate effectively.  Attached please find Heidi's contact information.

How Can I Help You in Your School?

Positive Energy and Kindness at Spanish Oaks

Submitted by kali.brown on

Do you know someone at Spanish Oaks Elementary who really exhibits Positive Energy and Kindness?  Please take a moment and click on the link below to recognize them for the amazing things they are doing at our school.  All nominations will be reviewed, and qualified candidates will be recognized at the Nebo School District Board monthly meeting(s).

Spanish Oaks Robotics Showcase

Submitted by kali.brown on

This year Spanish Oaks hosted an after school Robotics Class through a UVU School of Education Outreach Program.  Each week 4th, 5th and 6th graders worked with college students on how to code and program robots.  The students had a great time using skills in Math, Science, and Technology.  Our class just wrapped up, and parents were invited to the last fifteen minutes for a "showcase" to see what their children learned.  Thank you, UVU, for an amazing learning experience!

We Are Having a BERRY Good Year

Submitted by kali.brown on

This year at Spanish Oaks we are using the book "Ordinary Mary's Extraordinary Deed" for our theme.  Our students are highlighted for extraordinary deeds they do for their schoolmates, and are signing our grade level blueberry muffins each week!  Here are our "extraordiberries" for this week!  Nice job, students!   We are having  a "berry" good year!

Miss Robison's First Grade Thanksgiving Celebration

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

While the rest of the school was on a field trip to the BYU Basketball game, the first grade and kindergarten had the whole school to themselves.  The first grade had a very fun and eventful day to say the least.  We tried our best to make the day both educational and fun by teaching students what life was really like back in 1620.

Lindsay Robison

Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast

Submitted by sherri.peterson on

Our Kindergarten students enjoyed a feast here at school before their Thanksgiving feast at home.  Dressed as Native Americans, with a new Native American name to match, they enjoyed learning more about the first Thanksgiving.

Chrissie Robinson